To Really Heal from Trauma and Sexual Trauma and the Effects.
By Marcia Goranson
It is do-able! I say that not to cheapen the grace or to minimize the process. In fact our motto is “Honor the struggle, head to the light”.. There is no rushing the process, but there are things that can help one’s progress. There is an abundance of grace available to heal, even the deepest pain. And the fact is- none of us are finished products.
The ongoing process that worked for me brought me out from under the layers of shame and guilt and pain of sexual trauma and its effects. It was and is undoubtedly, one of the most intense things I’ve ever done for myself… but it is do-able!
Shedding the falseness of my thoughts, adjusting my attitude, correcting my responses and working a total 360 change in my point of view took an intensely focused resolve, but its do-able!
Exposing my heart, that had been buried beneath years of inauthentic living was like thawing out frostbitten fingers and toes. It was uncomfortable but so worth it have my true feelings restored. It is do-able!
Having the scales of fear and shame fall away from my eyes and mind is comparable to having been born blind and suddenly having your vision restored. It is do-able!
Feeling and knowing that for sure the chains that had bound and chafed me my whole life- have been cut away and have dropped, useless, to the ground. It is do-able!
Learning to walk without having to balance the load of generational burdens with my attempts to live my own life and calling may seem so foreign and unknown- but it is do-able!
Finally allowing my true self, who had been held captive and kept hidden most of my life because I believed lies about myself- to live openly, to shine, to sparkle, to simply be me. It is do-able!
The combination that has, and continues, to worked for me, for this miraculous transformation, this release, this emancipation is this-
Allow your heart’s desire, the motivation that drives you to find freedom, to rule over everything else for a season.
Have a trusted healed helper hold you accountable to that drive for freedom.
Allow yourself to spend the amount of time needed to actually reach and climb and conquer that plateau where true freedom lies waiting for you.
Once you are on that plateau, allow yourself to breathe the air of freedom. Allow yourself to think the new life giving thoughts about yourself.
Allow yourself to walk differently, straight and true and tall, without the weight of responsibility for everyone else.
Enjoy the satisfaction of the immense work that you have done.
Express and embrace the gratitude you feel for this gift of God-given space and time in your life to really heal.
Know that you have always been loved, with an unconditional love that is higher, wider, deeper and fuller than you could ever conceive.
Love yourself with this love.
Know that you always have the approval of the Giver of this phenomenal love.
Know that when you’re ready that you can now turn and extend a hand of help and comfort to another.
Lastly but probably most importantly- give and show yourself a lot of grace. I was sixty-three years old and twenty years into my recovery before I finally reached my destination…the redemption of my true self.
It is do-able!
Tom was that healed helper in my life. He worked with me. He listened to me. He asked me questions about my life and trauma that no-one had ever asked before. He held me accountable to do the work and to keep progressing. He knew I could make it through the process and come out on the other side- healthy and authentic. He can help you friend. I can help you also. I can bear witness to the fact that it is do-able!
Honor the struggle, head to the light!
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