His Love
He came to me when I was a child. Not in the form of a man but as the Prince of Peace. He was humble. And kind.
His presence opened the eyes of my young heart and He revealed Himself to my mind.
As the Son of God. As Comforter. As my friend.
He came to me and love filled the room. My heart was filled as well.
I saw Him in the pages of my Children’s Bible. His presence was love in person to me.
He had seen me from His throne on High.
His heart, filled with love for me caused Him to say ‘Yes Father, I see her. I’ll go and do whatever is required to bring her back to me.’
What measure is there in the universe that could tell me the depth, height and broadness of His love?
I know now that there are no bounds to His love.
There is no human means or ways to measure it.
His love brought Him from the glory of Heaven to where I live.
His love caused Him to yield to His Father’s purpose in Gethsemane.
His love caused Him to yield to the free will of His creation, bent on evil.
His love allowed Him to be beaten and torn apart.
His love caused Him to lie down and receive the nails of hatred into His flesh.
His love allowed His precious, holy blood to be poured out, for my sake.
His love caused Him to suffer long enough to fill the requirement needed for my redemption.
His love caused Him to yield to physical death and separation from the Father.
The power of that same love brought His spirit and soul back into body on the third morning after HIs death.
The power of that love left only the scars to reveal the torture and death of the once sacrificial Lamb of God.
The capacity of His love kept Him on the Earth for forty days after His resurrection.
The sovereignty of His love ministered to His disciples and caused Him to commission them.
The supremacy of His love brought Him back to His throne in Heaven, to rule forever as Lord.
That same love of His, the sovereign, supreme and holy love,
Will propel Him once again to Earth.
To gather us to Himself, all of those that love Him,
To live forever, in His presence, HIs power, His love.
Let us comfort and encourage each other with these words-
So Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for Him. Hebrews 9:28 ESV
His love will bring Him back for us. He is the Truth.